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GATE 2023 Computer Science Engineering Syllabus
GATE 2023 Computer Science Engineering Syllabus
Knowing the entire syllabus for GATE 2023 CSE is a must to crack the exam with a high score. This page breaks down the GATE Computer Science exam syllabus with respect to exam division, pattern, and subject-wise topics.
The conducting authorities IIT Kanpur will release the GATE 2023 Computer Science Engineering syllabus on their official website. The exam will be held as a computer-based test for 3 hours. Knowing the complete syllabus is essential to start the preparation.
GATE Computer Science Engineering syllabus is divided into 3 sections.
- General Aptitude
- Engineering Mathematics
- Computer Science Engineering Topics
In this article, we have briefly provided a topic-wise syllabus for GATE CSE 2023, which will help one to prepare better.
Here's an Overview of the Page:
- 1. What is GATE 2023 Computer Science Engineering Syllabus?
- 2. GATE 2023 Computer Science Engineering Syllabus
- 3. GATE 2023 CSE Exam Pattern
- 4. GATE Computer Science Engineering 2023 Books
- 5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - GATE 2023 Computer Science Engineering Syllabus
- 6. How Can VISHWA Help You?
1. What is GATE 2023 Computer Science Engineering Syllabus?
The GATE 2023 CSE question paper will contain three question types which is multiple-choice questions (MCQ), multiple select questions (MSQ), and numerical answer type (NAT). The syllabus is divided into the following 11 sections.
- Engineering Mathematics
- General Aptitude
- Digital Logic
- Computer Organization and Architecture
- Programming and Data Structure
- Algorithms
- Theory of Computation
- Compiler Design
- Operating System
- Databases
- Computer Networks
Generally, the Engineering Mathematics and General Aptitude sections are common subjects for all the GATE exams. The marking scheme for the General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics, and Computer Science Engineering sections includes 15, 15, and 70 marks.
2. GATE 2023 Computer Science Engineering Syllabus
There are two mandatory sections in the GATE 2023 Electrical Engineering paper, which are General Aptitude and Engineering Mathematics.
2.1 Engineering Mathematics
The Engineering Mathematics sections include discrete mathematics, Linear algebra, calculus, and probability. This section is included in all the GATE papers, and it carries 15 marks. Check the below table to know them in detail.
Subjects | Topics | Sub-Topics |
GATE CSE Syllabus for Engineering Mathematics (Mandatory) | Discrete Mathematics | Propositional and first-order logic sets, partial orders, functions, relations, and lattices Graphs: connectivity, matching, and coloring Combinatorics: recurrence relations, counting, generating functions |
Linear Algebra | A system of linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, matrices, LU decomposition, and determinants. | |
Calculus | Continuity, limits, and differentiability Mean value theorem, Integration, Maxima, and minima. | |
Probability | Normal, exponential, uniform, binomial distributions, and Poisson Random variables, Standard deviation, mean, mode, and median, Bayes theorem and Conditional probability |
2.2 General Aptitude
The General Aptitude sections include the topics like Verbal ability and Numerical aptitude. Candidates must concentrate more on this section, and it carries 15 marks. Students can now check all the important topics from the list below.
Subjects | Topics | Sub-Topics |
GATE CSE Syllabus for General Aptitude (Mandatory) | Verbal Ability | Sentence Completion, Grammar, Instructions, Verbal Analogies, Word Groups, Critical Reasoning, Verbal Deduction |
Numerical Ability | Data Interpretation, Numerical computation, Numerical Reasoning, Numerical Estimation. |
2.3 Digital Logic
The chapter-wise weightage of the digital logic section is 5.3%, and it involves the fundamental concepts of computer systems. Check out all the sub-topics from the list below.
Subjects | Topics | Sub-Topics |
GATE CSE Syllabus for Technical Topics | Digital Logic | Combinational and sequential circuits, Boolean algebra, Minimization Number representations, and computer arithmetic (fixed and floating-point). |
2.4 Computer Organization and Architecture
Computer Organization and Architecture deals with working, structuring, and implementing of the computer system. The chapter-wise weightage of the Computer Organization and Architecture is 9.2%
Subjects | Topics | Sub-Topics |
GATE CSE Syllabus for Technical Topics | Computer Organization and Architecture | Addressing modes and Machine instructions. Data path, ALU, and control unit. Pipeline hazards, Instruction pipelining. Memory hierarchy. |
2.5 Programming and Data Structure
Programming and Data Structure carries the highest mark weightage from the CSE syllabus. The chapter-wise weightage for this section is 10.7%. The sub-topics included in this section are:
The topics covered in the Water Resources Engineering section of the GATE Civil Engineering syllabus are:
Subjects | Topics | Sub-Topics |
GATE CSE Syllabus for Technical Topics | Programming and Data Structure | Programming in C. Arrays, queues, linked lists, stacks, binary heaps, binary search trees, and graphs. Recursion |
2.6 Algorithms
Algorithms are one of the important topics, and it carries the highest mark weightage of 8.1%. This topic deals with the procedures of computer operations to solve a particular problem, and the sub-topics included in this section are listed below.
Subjects | Topics | Sub-Topics |
GATE CSE Syllabus for Technical Topics | Algorithms | Searching, hashing, sorting. Asymptotic worst-case time and space complexity. Algorithm design techniques: Dynamic programming, greedy, divide and conquer. Minimum spanning trees, graphs traversals, and shortest paths. |
2.7 Theory of Computation
Theory of Computation deals with the problems that can be solved on a model of computation, using an algorithm, and how efficiently it can be solved. The various sub-topics involved in this section include:
Subjects | Topics | Sub-Topics |
GATE CSE Syllabus for Technical Topics | Theory of Computation | Regular expressions and finite automata. Pumping lemma, regular and context-free languages. Turing machines and undecidability. |
2.8 Compiler Design
The chapter Compiler Design covers translation, the optimization process, error detection, and recovery. The chapter-wise weightage for this section is 2.75%. The sub-topics included in this section are:
Subjects | Topics | Sub-Topics |
GATE CSE Syllabus for Technical Topics | Compiler Design | Parsing, lexical analysis, runtime environments, syntax-directed translation, Local optimization, Intermediate code generation, and Data flow analysis. |
2.9 Operating System
Operating System deals with the program that manages the application of the system. It covers file systems, memory, threads, and more. Check all the sub-topics from the below table.
Subjects | Topics | Sub-Topics |
GATE CSE Syllabus for Technical Topics | Operating System | System calls, inter-process communication, processes, concurrency, threads, and synchronization. CPU and I/O scheduling. File systems. Deadlock. Memory management and virtual memory. |
2.10 Databases
Databases cover ER models, file organization, and various essential topics. The chapter-wise weightage for this section is 7.5%. The sub-topics included in this section are provided in the table below:
Subjects | Topics | Sub-Topics |
GATE CSE Syllabus for Technical Topics | Databases | Relational algebra and tuple calculus. ER model. SQL, normal forms, and Integrity constraints. Indexing. File organization. Transactions and concurrency control. |
2.11 Computer Networks
Computer Networks cover digital to analog conversion, IP address, LAN, MAN, and more. This is also one of the important sections, and the weightage of the computer networks section is about 7.5%.
Subjects | Topics | Sub-Topics |
GATE CSE Syllabus for Technical Topics | Computer Networks | Concept of layering: TCP/IP and OSI protocol stacks. Application layer protocols: HTTP, SMTP, DNS, FTP, Email. Datalink layer: error detection, framing, Ethernet bridging, Medium Access Control. Basics of a packet, virtual-circuit switching, and circuit. Basics of IP support protocols (DHCP, ARP ICMP), Network Address Translation (NAT). Transport layer: UDP, TCP, sockets, flow control and congestion control. |
GATE Question Papers 2023 Now that you have checked the GATE Exam Syllabus, enhance your preparation by practicing using GATE Exam question papers. Candidates can now download the unofficial GATE 2023 question paper for CSE from this page once the official GATE website has released them. Keep following our page to check GATE 2023 CE, EC, EE, ME, and IN questions papers. |
3. GATE 2023 Computer Science Engineering Exam Pattern
The GATE CSE exam is conducted for 3 hours to answer a total of 65 questions. To know more about the paper pattern, candidates can check the below particulars in detail.
Particulars | Details |
Examination Mode | Online - Computer-Based Test |
No. of Questions | 65 |
Total Marks | 100 |
Question Types | MSQs MCQs NAT |
Exam Duration | 3 Hours (180 Minutes) |
Number of Sections | 3 (General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics, Computer Science Engineering Topics) |
Section-wise Weightage | General Aptitude - 15 Marks Engineering Mathematics - 15 Marks Technical Subjects - 70 Marks |
Marking Scheme | 1Marks/ 2 Marks for each correct answer |
4. GATE 2023 Computer Science Engineering Books
Candidates preparing for the upcoming GATE CSE exam should obtain the best books to crack the exam. Here we have listed some of the books and the author's names to strategize your preparation.
Name of the Book | Author |
Introduction to Algorithms | Thomas H. Cormen |
An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata | Peter Linz |
COA | William Stallings |
Operating System Concepts | Galvin |
Computer Networks Networks by Forouzan |
Andrew S. Tanenbaum and David J. Wetherall Forouzan |
Database System Concepts | Henry Korth |
Discrete Mathematics and its Applications | Kenneth H Rosen |
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals | Morris Mano |
5. GATE 2023 Computer Science Engineering Syllabus FAQs
We have listed some of the frequently asked questions by the candidate about the GATE CSE syllabus. Have a look at them.
- MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions)
- MSQs (Multiple Select Questions)
- NATs (Numerical Answer Type).
Over to You
With this article, we hope the information about the GATE CSE syllabus is clear and detail. Understanding the exam pattern and syllabus is crucial to prepare the GATE exam. Cover all the topics with sufficient revising and top the exam. All the best!
All the Best!!
6. How Can VISHWA Help You?
Do you desire to master the GATE Computer Science Engineering exam with a high score? Join VISHWA, where our top educators support and train students with well-prepared techniques to get top scores.