Use these 7 tips to Revise for GATE Electrical Engineering Exam 2023
By : Sandhya S | Apr 18, 2022

To ace the GATE Electrical Engineering Exam, preparation towards the exam is one of the essential things. Along with the time of preparing for your exam, make sure to engage some time for revision too. In the event of completing the entire syllabus, one might miss revising thoroughly. Revision is the key because you do not forget what you have studied before.
So, how will you revise the entire syllabus right before the exam? In this article, we have listed some important tips that will make your revision simple and effective.
1. Make Refined Notes
While preparing for your GATE EE exam, making a short note or flashcards by listing the key points from every topic makes your revision process easy. Instead of going through the whole concept, the refined notes you have jotted down will save you more time. You need to implement doing a frequent revision for reminiscing all the important parts of a concept.
For example, if you're revising Signals and Systems under Electrical Engineering, try to make short notes on Laplace transform. These notes can include the equation, formula, and definition of Laplace transform in short.
Even if you use books instead of refined notes, you can highlight or underline the core points, formulas, and more which will be useful to revise during the exam.
2. Try Doing a Parallel Revision for Similar/Different Concepts
Take two topics simultaneously, similar or different, and complete the concepts you have taken together. For example, if you are preparing for Signals & Systems, then combine Laplace Transform and Fourier Series. This paves the way to finish two consecutive topics altogether, finishing the entire lesson in a go.
If you think this would be confusing, it is definitely not. You will be able to differentiate the two chapters as you are revising one after another immediately, and you will be able to remember the similarities or differences accurately.
3. Revise Clubbing Hard Chapter with an Easy one
If you think that revising the hardest chapter would consume a lot of time and sometimes makes you drowsy, then you can collaborate the hardest chapter with an easy one. For example, you can club Power Systems and Signal Systems together as the Power Systems contains tough concepts like AC, DC transmission concepts, and more, whereas Signal Systems have easier concepts like time signals, sampling theorem, and more.
Revising the tough concepts along with the easier ones saves you more time and you will be able to cover multiple topics and chapters at the same time. The easiest chapter balances the time with the one that the hardest chapter would consume.
4. Solve Previous Years' Question
Practicing the previous years' question is an essential thing while revising for the GATE EE exam. Most of the questions are usually repeated in the current mains of the GATE exam. Even if you miss some concepts while preparing, by revising and solving the previous years' Electrical Engineering questions, you will note the important concepts and never miss anything.
This gives you a clear idea especially when you want to know about the weightage and marks that each topic carries. You can determine them clearly and spend enough time to revise the concepts.
5. Practice to Take Chapter Specific Test every day
After revising the concepts thoroughly, you can take tests either chapter-wise or topic-wise every day. Say taking the test for the whole chapter of Electrical and Electronic Measurements or splitting into topic-wise from Bridges and Potentiometers to Error Analysis. If you are completing the concepts in an hour, take another hour to write a test on the concepts you have learned.
After revising the concepts thoroughly, you can take tests either chapter-wise or topic-wise every day. Say taking the test for the whole chapter of Electrical and Electronic Measurements or splitting into topic-wise from Bridges and Potentiometers to Error Analysis. If you are completing the concepts in an hour, take another hour to write a test on the concepts you have learned.
6. Do not miss a Mock Exam
If this is your first time writing the GATE EE exam, you might feel nervous. To avoid this situation, mock tests give you a trial of how the mains are supposed to be. This reduces the pre-exam anxiety as you have already appeared for the practice exam before.
Taking mock tests gives you a good amount of practice, which increases your problem-solving capabilities and helps them during the exam. It enables you to track your progress and identify the areas in which you need to concentrate more. You can rectify those areas and improve yourself before appearing to mains.
7. Have Enough Sleep
Getting a good night sleep is essential for a healthy mind and body. Schedule time to have a rest at your convenience. If you are a morning person, go early to bed and rise early as this helps you to revise more. And, if you are a night owl, schedule your time accordingly and revise. Although, you must complete revising the vast portion, you need a good night's sleep to acquire them.
Take Away
However tough the exam is, proper guidance, preparation, practice, and revision can help you to crack the GATE EE exam with a high score. These suggested tips and tricks help you on how to revise, take practice tests, and more.
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